Deanne1407 Le Mercredi 11 Février 2009 à 19:46
Kennel cough tip
Hiya folks,
this is my 1st posting so I’ll keep it brief…as an owner of 6 Golden Labradors, I was always out of pocket at holiday times, when I was kenneling them, or if 1 of my lot caught Kennel cough…until my boarding kennl owner passed on a little bit of his vast experience with animals of every kind.
As we all know, the injection is costly & not always effective…..instead, if your much-loved munchkin needs kenneling or even treatment, just buy yourself a bottle of Benylin “Ticky Cough Syrup”, 1 teaspoon twice per day for 3-5 days & as they say, bob’s your uncle….or pet in this case!!
Bye for now,