Photo de profil de Troy

Profil de Troy

Troy saved my son's life by sacrificing his own. Our family was attacked by a pitbull, after it had mauled our other dog, attempted to maul my husband & myself, it singled out our then 10 year old son, Troy's master. As it went after Ben, I was running after it, screaming with everything I had for my child to run faster as I knew that I was physically too far away from him to stop the pitbull from reaching him. Troy heard the terror in my voice, realised his master was in danger, doubled back and charged full force, with his head down, barrelling into the pitbull's side just as it sprang at Ben. As the pitbull was mid-stride, Troy's momentum took it off Ben's back and propelled it into a nearby gully. The pitbull then mauled Troy for almost 70 minutes before it was shot by the police, leaving him clinging to life by a thread. Sadly, he died 2 days later of massive internal injuries and septicemia despite having fought with every inch of his being to live. Troy was a gentle yet regal big dog, unassuming yet endlessly loving and faithful to his master til the very end. He gaveus the greatest gift we ever have or will receive....our son's life.

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Ma personnalité

  • Energique
  • Intelligent
  • Sociable
  • Joueur

Tout ce que j'aime


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