Gamai is a "netib" dog, which means,in the Philippines, nobody knows his heritage or family history. He was owned by a childless couple who seems to have too many dogs for them to care of.Gamai was so little and malnourished when we got him, so we took care of him and fed him and gave him doggie vitamins. Now he is way,way more 'macho' looking than his siblings! and he LOVES bathing time!
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4 commentaires
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mr_leeds a écrit : 18/04/09
awww cute naman askal mo.. ako rin meron din niyan hah
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rolets a écrit : 26/04/09
Hi Gamai, I tell you one thing, you and Lady will love to play and sleep together, she also loves sleeping on her back.
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Dachshund o7 a écrit : 10/06/09
Cute .. :)
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charmedlife0681 a écrit : 06/03/10
We also adopted our oldest dog, Miko. He was left tied at the garage when an uncle of mine vacated the house. The dog was left without food and water. cruel, i know. My dad saw the dog, took him home, and took care of him... and now.. he has become a macho dog as well! All it takes is someone to really take care and love them... bless your heart for taking care of Gamai! =)
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