Chacha was an adopted dog. When she first arrived at our house, she was all too gloomy, like the world has fallen upon her.. She wasn't taken care of by her former family.. She was not eating well and she was sick.. We took her to the vet right away and had her groomed and ask prescriptions from the doctor.. After sometime, she became used to our presence. She would run to us when we arrive home, she was sweet... But unfortunately, she died because of old age and other complications. She was diabetic and her had gone almost blind and her teeth started to fall out one by one. It was a relief that she died knowing that she would not feel hardships anymore.. I missed her
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Chacha ne dispose d'aucune photo pour le moment
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1 commentaire
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galinette a écrit : 21/04/09
Pauvre petite Chacha, tu as mérité ta place au paradis des animaux !!
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