1 commentaire
Ses derniers sujets
Sujet : Why Bettas might be the best pet...
1. Personality – Though small, they are very intelligent and will easily recognize you as the Great Giant Face: Bringer...
Sujet : Fish specie...
please tweak something and allow us fish owners to put fish specie/breed when we add our pets...thanks
Sujet : What's a betta anyway?
Bettas are known for their jewel-bright colors and spectacular fins. They have been referred to as the Siamese Fighting...
Ses dernières réponses
Sujet : Fish specie...
ok...thnaks...hope you get to it soon!!hehehe
Sujet : Fish specie...
please tweak something and allow us fish owners to put fish specie/breed when we add our pets...thanks
Sujet : photos
how about posting pictures on a forum topic? i cannot post a picture on my post "what is a betta anyway?" in the group...
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DianaAva a écrit : 30/12/09
Hey ! This is Diana. I just bought a male siamese fighting fish. :) And I hope you can teach me how to grow them! Because I really have no idea howto ! Oh and I also bought a new baby turtle >_< . So anyways Trevor's fins are like , ripped! How do I fx this?
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